Vintage Toys

Vintage Toys

Are you looking for a valuation to sell your treasured vintage toys at auction? We hold specialist toy auctions for vintage and rare toys, collectables and more. All of these items are included in our well-established Historical Documents Auctions.

Our popular toy auctions have previously featured  rare Disney toys, collectables, figures, rare children's books & comics, board games, toy soldiers, unique railway sets, vintage dolls and of course, loveable old teddy bears! We have unrivalled knowledge of the toy auctions  sector and we’re known for our excellent customer service, making us the best place to sell your vintage toys and collectables. We will value anything from one-off items to private collections to be featured in our toy auctions.

For details of our next vintage toy auctions, or to arrange a bespoke valuation, please contact us to speak to one of our specialists today.