Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Brazil - Empire of Brazil Passport, Rio Grande 1852 with Imperial Coat of Arms top centre. Permitting Isiodro…
Not Sold
Fine Early Historic American Railway Poster 1853 - New York, Buffalo & Erie Railroad 1853. Has fine vignette…
Hawaii - collection of 18 postage stamps 1850s-1890s, including a scarce first issue.
Space Shuttle Missions group of approx. 11 colour and b&w 10x8 photographs showing various aspects of Space…
WWII Guernsey 1943 - printed Memento (souvenir) of "Funeral Ceremony of Nineteen Naval Ratings from HMS…
India - Fine Leaf from Prayer Book Scripted for an Important Person c1750s - on paper with are ten lines…
Perfume and Eau de Cologne - Art-Nouveau & Art-Deco Bottle Labels circa 1890s -1930s - selection of over 40…
"A Naval Captain" Children's uncut front and back for large Rag Doll 1916 - Multicoloured printing on cotton…
India & Punjab - British Indian Army Sikhs in WWI vintage glass slide negative antique showing Sikh soldiers…
Adolf Hitler - Erna Hanfstaengl (1885-1981) hand written card dated 8th Nov 1974 addressed to Ellen Burka…
Geology of Yellowstone National Park 1899, Part II only - US Geological Survey, Washington - xvii + 893pp +…
Halford Cycle Co Ltd, Moor Street, Birmingham 1910 - An extensive 112 page catalogue illustrating and…
South Australia; Collection of 38 Postage Stamps 1850s-1900s. Some early imperfs. Japan - Collection of 85…
Australia - New South Wales early collection of 18 Postage Stamps 1850-1880s. Including 2 Pence Sydney View…
Jerusalem - unusual Souvenir Booklet c1914 being of 12 photograph views of Jerusalem and other places in…
The Vauxhall Cadet 1933 sales brochure - large poster size multicoloured brochure illustrating and detailing…
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